Fasty - Make your website Fastest!


Make your website's pages instant loading to improve your conversion rate by 200%.

Intelligent Prefetching optimizes load speed

Your webpage's load speed has a huge impact on user experience and conversions. A 20% drop in conversion rates is generally caused by a load speed of each extra second.

We have created a tool to improve load speed using machine learning. It does not require you to change the design, content, or infrastructure of your pages. Intelligent Prefetchinguses computer learning to predict which page a user will visit next. The browser can load that page's content based on this prediction before the user has clicked the link. A page will open in a matter of seconds, with no waiting, and this is an extraordinary user experience.

Continuous improvement in load speed

CISIN: Software Development Services

Predictions are made at the user level and are based only on anonymized data from a single web-session. Analytics-data is used to build the calculations. The system can continuously analyze the accuracy of the predictions and will continue to improve it. Intelligent use of data and machine-learning will enable our Intelligent Prefetching tool to continuously learn and improve its ability to optimize load speed, giving your users a better user experience.

This is Intelligent Prefetching at its best

CISIN: Software Development Services

Intelligent Prefetching uses machine learning to track a single user's session, without use of cookies, hence it is Privacy Law compliant, and then use analytics data to determine where they will click next. Cloud-technology executes the calculations instead of the algorithm being run in the browser. This can slow down the site.

After the calculations are done in the Cloud, the browser loads the predicted page immediately after the user clicks the link. The system monitors the speed of loading and the accuracy of the prediction to continuously analyze and improve its performance. The system learns and gets smarter as it analyzes more data.

eSignly: Case Study: A significant increase in visitors

CISIN: Software Development Services

✔ eSignly saw a 60% increase in load speed after the introduction of our Intelligent Prefetching Tool. They also noticed a significant increase of their visitors.

✔ Visitors to eSignly come from all parts of the globe, making it a challenge for users to perceive load speed.

✔ A load speed engine was implemented that used user data to determine the most popular page that each user would click on. Intelligent Prefetching helped improve the average load time by 70% for the entire page. The load speed was almost 95% faster on some pages.

✔ Visitors to eSignly have had a significantly improved user experience. This has led to an increase in their number of visitors. This project was completed globally and on all eSignly pages.

Put this HTML snippet just before < /head> tag on your webpages:

Option 1: Make them Fast: [Use full code including DIV tag]

This will prefetch pages Intelligently with highest probability of click by user/ visitor.

This is paid option using AI, please contact us to implement it, or use any of our Paid Ready to Use Plugins, below.

Option 2: Make them Fastest: [Use full code including DIV tag].

[Use with Caution] This will prefetch All urls/ pages on your webpage(s) as soon visible in view port.

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CISIN: Software Development Services
CISIN: Software Development Services
CISIN: Software Development Services
CISIN: Software Development Services
CISIN: Software Development Services


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